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Tips and Tricks

Trust me, we know the transition is hard. But with our tips and tricks, and advice from Harvard themselves, these are some ways you can make your transition into college easier:

Attend Your Orientation Session

We get it: orientation can be intimidating, especially if you do not want to sit through lectures about how the college functions. It can also be intimidating, as you are meeting a bunch of new people for the first time who will be attending the same school as you. Despite this, it is very common that people meet some of their closest friends in college at orientation. In addition, it is a great way for students to become familiar with the location that their college will be in. Students will also learn so much about their university. By attending your orientation session in person, you are getting a glimpse of what your freshman year of college will look like, easing your stress before moving to campus in the fall.

Enroll in Fun Activities

Many colleges offer countless clubs and sports that are available for students to join. By taking advantage of these programs, students get the opportunity to meet new people, especially those with a similar interest. This is another great way to make new friends on campus and build important connections, all while doing things that you love. Many colleges offer activity fairs at the beginning of every year, which is a great way to learn about what your school has to offer.

Take Time for Yourself

Though it is a great idea to meet new people once you get to college, it is also important that you learn to take time for yourself if you need. Trust me, some days will be exhausting. You might not want to go out with your friends every night, or you might not want to study for your chemistry class every day. And that’s okay! It’s perfectly normal to need to take a break! In college, don’t push yourself when you are feeling burned out or are about to burn out. Afterall, it is your college experience and your future, no one else’s.

Learn about school resources

Lots of schools offer a surprising number of services for their students. However, it is common that students aren’t aware of every service that their school offers, and that’s okay! Sometimes, it might not be widely discussed or advertised. If you go to your school’s website and research the resources that your school offers, you might learn a thing or two about it. And the best part is, some of it might be free!

Photo Credits:, Providence College, Dreamstime 

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